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Black rubber, divided by longitudinal lines of elastic strings of white or yellow gold with gold inserts, studded with diamonds, highlights the beauty and elegance of the hand

# Gold, K Weight Item 18K, g Diamond, ct
BM1004A 18K 24 1,62
BM1004B 18K 24 1,62
BM1015A 18K 12 0,93
BM1015B 18K 12 0,93
BM1003B 18K 19,0 0,84
BM1005B 18K 19,0 0,67
BM1006A 18K 20,5 1,00
BM1007A 18K 27,5 2,23
BM1007B 18K 27,5 2,23
BM1009B 18K 11,5 0,55
BM1010A 18K 19,9 1,65
BM1010B 18K 19,9 1,65
BM1011A 18K 13,6 0,75
BM1011B 18K 13,6 0.75
BM1012B 18K 19,0 1,05
BM1014A 18K 12,0 0,63
BM1014B 18K 12,0 0,63
BM1016A 18K 12,0 0.90
BM1016B 18K 12,0 0,90
BM1017A 18K 12,0 0,61
BM1018A 18K 11,5 0,55
BM1003A 18K 19,0 0,84

Deposits in diamonds are the least risky and stable component of any investment portfolio.

1 Price category

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